The Nickel Ride

The Nickel Ride is a 1974 American crime film directed by Robert Mulligan. It was entered into the 1974 Cannes Film Festival. On December 13, 2011 Shout Factory released the film on DVD as part of a double feature with 99 and 44100 Dead.

The movie appears to be a drama of real estate. Jason Miller plays a neighborhood fixer who is attempting to lease a warehouse for the storage of stolen goods however, the deal is delayed, and hes threatened by the minor hoods who are his clients. His role is a study in worry the angst rarely leaves his deepset lemurs eyes. We watch him worrying in profile, in full and threequarter face, standing or sitting or lying down, in daylight and darkness, on the phone, in his office and out of doors. All in all, he seems more vulnerable to an anxiety attack than to an assailants bullet. ...The Nickel Ride is handsomely filmed in bleak pastels, but the numerous closeups manage to stress the slowness of the action, and quick cuts cant dispel the tedium.Nick Pinkerton of The Village Voice was slightly more forgiving The Nickel Ride is a seldomseen drama of whitecollar workaday criminal drudgery to make you believe the best of 70s cinema will never fully be quarried out. ...The atmosphere is one of musty hallways, sour stomach, and looming late middle age with no retirement plan in sight. ........

Source: Wikipedia